
about us

Our story

Welcome to the soulful world of Qofee, where every sip narrates a tale of heritage, sustainability, and the vibrant spirit of the Araku valley. Rooted in the lush landscapes of Andhra Pradesh, our journey began as a homage to the indigenous tribes cultivating coffee, fostering their culture, and crafting a livelihood from the very essence of their land.

Qofee isn't just a brand; it's a commitment—a promise to uphold uncompromising quality, sustainability, and an undeniably Indian essence. Inspired by the synergy between nature and tradition, our Arabica beans flourish at altitudes kissing the skies at 900-1200 meters above sea level, resulting in a robust flavor that captivates the senses.

Beyond taste, Qofee embodies purity and health, offering not just a beverage but an experience—a sip that echoes the stories of those who nurture each bean with dedication and love. Our commitment extends beyond a cup; it's a tribute to the Araku valley's traditions, ensuring every moment savored leaves a lingering impression of culture and exquisite taste.

Welcome to the Qofee family !